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When trust is gained loyalty is returned! Brands are not only about cute packaging and emotional stories, but also about products, longevity and impact. We’ve come across many brands that began from a garage and now are multi million dollar businesses. These brands became giants due to their authenticity, their supply to demand and their progressive dynamic nature, Well! This is not the topic for today.

What is Juicero?

Juicero was, Once upon a time, a famous brand that had marked its name in every household. Juicero collected fresh organic fruits and vegetables and prepared them for customers and put them in special single serve packets of diced fruits and vegetables.
No! This does not end here, Juicero brought convenience to the people by using a Wi-Fi connection that automatically squeezed the single serving packets into a glass of cold fresh juice.
Were the single serve packets sold with juicero or juicero sold with single serve packets?
Juicero’s mission of helping people consume raw food to attain optimal health looked successful.
Necessity is the mother of invention! Really? Until their smartness was caught!

Downfall of Juicero
The applaudable innovation once, was now the reason for its downfall. Was being tech savvy the hindrance? No, but connecting everything was the hindrance.
The fact that the machine only worked with Wi-Fi was an inconvenience. To add to that, the company puts a scannable QR code on each packet serving and the machine would not function unless it detected the code nor did it press the home-made packets people had to instead purchase from Juicero which only added to more expenses and more inconvenience.
The last and ultimate blow Juicero received was from Bloomberg News, when they published a video by simply squeezing the single serve packets one could receive the exact amount of juice that one could achieve by Juicero.
Needless to say this raised many eyebrows and eventually led to the downfall of one time favorite Juicero!
Well! We can say! Uncertainty is the killer of invention!